# Classless CSS This is a list of classless CSS themes and frameworks. "Classless" means a style sheet does not define special classes you must add to your HTML elements to style these elements. As a result, you can style any plain-HTML page just by linking to the style sheet. This is useful, for example, in prototyping. ## Contents {{ toc }} {% macro item(proj) %} ### {{ proj.name }} {% if proj.note %} {{ proj.note }} {% endif %} {% if proj.website %} - [Website]({{ proj.website }}) {% endif %} {% if proj.github %} - [Repository](https://github.com/{{ proj.github }}) ![GitHub stars](https://img.shields.io/github/stars/{{ proj.github }}?style=flat-square) ![GitHub contributors](https://img.shields.io/github/contributors-anon/{{ proj.github }}?style=flat-square) ![Last commit](https://img.shields.io/github/last-commit/{{ proj.github }}?style=flat-square) ![GitHub open issues](https://img.shields.io/github/issues-raw/{{ proj.github }}?style=flat-square) ![GitHub closed issues](https://img.shields.io/github/issues-closed-raw/{{ proj.github }}?style=flat-square) {% endif %} {% if proj.demo %} - [Demo]({{ proj.demo }}) {% endif %} {% for filename in proj.screenshots %} [![{{ filename }}](thumbnail/{{ filename }})](screenshot/{{ filename }}) {% endfor %} {% endmacro %} ## Classless {% for proj in projects %} {% if proj.tags.indexOf("classless") > -1 %} {{ item(proj) }} {% endif %} {% endfor %} ## Class-light These are frameworks that do not force you to apply their classes to many elements but require something like `