This is a list of Free Software network services and web applications which can be hosted locally. Selfhosting is the process of locally hosting and managing applications instead of renting from SaaS providers.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

132 lines
5.5 KiB

const fs = require('fs')
var log = '{\n'
var issuelog = ' "message": "#### Syntax Issues\\n\\n Name | Entry\\n----|----------------------\\n'
var file = fs.readFileSync(process.argv[2], 'utf8')
function entryErrorCheck (md) {
var namepatt = /\*\s\[(.*?)\]/
var entries = split(md)
var totalFail = 0
var totalPass = 0
var total = 0
var entryArray = []
for (var i = 0, len = entries.length; i < len; i++) {
entryArray[i] = new Object;
entryArray[i].raw = entries[i]
if (entryFilter(entries[i]) === true) {
total += 1
entryArray[i].name = namepatt.exec(entries[i])[1]
entryArray[i].pass = findPattern(entries[i])
if (entryArray[i].pass === true) {
totalPass += 1
} else {
console.log(entryArray[i].name + 'Failed.')
// entryArray[i].error = findError(entries[i]) //WIP
totalFail += 1
issuelog += entryArray[i].name + ' | ' + entries[i] + '\\n'
if (totalFail > 0) {
console.log(totalFail + ' Failed, ' + totalPass + ' Passed, of ' + total)
log += ' "error": true,\n "title": "Found ' + totalFail + ' entries with syntax error(s).",\n'
fs.writeFileSync('syntaxcheck.json', log + issuelog + '"\n}')
} else {
console.log(totalFail + ' Failed, ' + totalPass + ' Passed, of ' + total + '\n')
log += ' "error": false\n}'
fs.writeFileSync('syntaxcheck.json', log)
function entryFilter (md) {
var linepatt = /^\s{0,4}\*\s\[.*`/
return linepatt.test(md)
function split (text) {
return text.split(/\r?\n/)
// function parseMD(md) {
// return split(md).filter(entryFilter);
// }
function findPattern (text) {
var nodnospatt = /\s{0,4}\*\s\[(.*?)\]\((.*?)\)\s\-\s(.{0,249}?\.\s)`(.*?)`\s`(.*?)`/ // Regex for entries with no demo and no source code
var slpatt = /\s{0,4}\*\s\[(.*?)\]\((.*?)\)\s\-\s(.{0,249}?\.\s)\(\[Demo\b\]\((.*?)\),\s\[Source Code\b\]\((.*?)\)\)\s`(.*?)`\s`(.*?)`/ // Regex for entries with demo and source code
var nodpatt = /\s{0,4}\*\s\[(.*?)\]\((.*?)\)\s\-\s(.{0,249}?\.\s)\(\[Source Code\]\((.*?)\)\)\s`(.*?)`\s`(.*?)`/ // Regex for entries with no demo
var nospatt = /\s{0,4}\*\s\[(.*?)\]\((.*?)\)\s\-\s(.{0,249}?\.\s)\(\[Demo\]\((.*?)\)\)\s`(.*?)`\s`(.*?)`/ // Regex for entries with no source code
var pnodnospatt = /\s{0,4}\*\s\[(.*?)\]\((.*?)\)\s`(⚠)`\s\-\s(.{0,249}?\.\s)`(.*?)`\s`(.*?)`/ // Regex for entries with proprietary with no demo and no source code
var pslpatt = /\s{0,4}\*\s\[(.*?)\]\((.*?)\)\s`(⚠)`\s\-\s(.{0,249}?\.\s)\(\[Demo\b\]\((.*?)\),\s\[Source Code\b\]\((.*?)\)\)\s`(.*?)`\s`(.*?)`/ // Regex for entries with proprietary with demo and source code
var pnodpatt = /\s{0,4}\*\s\[(.*?)\]\((.*?)\)\s`(⚠)`\s\-\s(.{0,249}?\.\s)\(\[Source Code\]\((.*?)\)\)\s`(.*?)`\s`(.*?)`/ // Regex for entries with proprietary with no demo
var pnospatt = /\s{0,4}\*\s\[(.*?)\]\((.*?)\)\s`(⚠)`\s\-\s(.{0,249}?\.\s)\(\[Demo\]\((.*?)\)\)\s`(.*?)`\s`(.*?)`/ // Regex for entries with proprietary with no source code
if (nodnospatt.test(text) === true) {
return true
} else if (slpatt.test(text) === true) {
return true
} else if (nodpatt.test(text) === true) {
return true
} else if (nospatt.test(text) === true) {
return true
} else if (pnodnospatt.test(text) === true) {
return true
} else if (pslpatt.test(text) === true) {
return true
} else if (pnodpatt.test(text) === true) {
return true
} else if (pnospatt.test(text) === true) {
return true
} else {
return false
// WIP
function findError (entry) {
var fixedEntry = entry
if (/\s{0,4}\*\s\[.*?\]\(http.*?\)/.test(entry) === false) { // Fix * site name/URL
entry.replace(/^(\s*)\**\s*\[*([^()\[\]]*?)\]*\s*\(*(https*:\/\/[^ )]{1,})(\)*\s*`*⚠`*\s*-*\s*|\)*\s*-*\s*)(.*)/gi, function (match, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5) {
console.log('Error in [Name](URL)')
if (/⚠/.test(entry) === true) {
fixedEntry = p1 + '* [' + p2 + '](' + p3 + ') `⚠` - ' + p5
} else {
fixedEntry = p1 + '* [' + p2 + '](' + p3 + ') - ' + p5
console.log('Fixed: ' + fixedEntry)
if (/\s-\s/.test(entry) === false) {
entry.replace(/(\s{0,3}\*\s\[.*?\]\(.*?\))(\s*`*⚠`*\s*-*\s*|\s*`*⚠`*\s*-*|`*⚠`*\s*-*\s*|`*⚠`*-*|\s*|\s*-*\s*|\s*-*|-*\s*|-*|\s*)(.{0,249}?\.)(.*)/gi, function (match, p1, p2, p3, p4) { // Fix space - space between link and descrition
console.log('Missing ` - ` between Site link and description.')
if (/⚠/.test(entry) === true) {
fixedEntry = p1 + ' `⚠` - ' + p3 + p4
} else {
fixedEntry = p1 + ' - ' + p3 + p4
console.log('Fixed: ' + fixedEntry)
if (/^\s{0,4}\*\s\[.*?\]\(.*?\).*?(\s\.|\)\)\s)`.*?`\s`.*?`/.test(entry) === false) {
entry.replace(/^(\s*\*\s.*?\)\)|.*?\s\-\s.*?\.)(\s*`*\s*)(.*?)(\s*`\s*`\s*|\s*`\s*`*\s*|\s*`*\s*`\s*|\s)(.*?)`/gi, function (match, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5) { // Fix License and Language
console.log('Issue in Language or License')
fixedEntry = p1 + ' `' + p3 + '` `' + p5 + '`'
console.log('Fixed: ' + fixedEntry)
} else if (/demo/i.test(entry) === true) {
} else if (/source/i.test(entry) === true) {
// if (findPattern(fixedEntry) === false) {
// findError(fixedEntry) // If it's not fixed let's try again.
// }
// else if (/source/i.test(entry) === true && /demo/i.test(entry) === true) {