@ -709,7 +709,7 @@ See https://github.com/n1trux/awesome-sysadmin#web
See also [Documentation Generators](#documentation-generators), [Wikimatrix](http://www.wikimatrix.org/), [Wiki Engines on WikiIndex](http://wikiindex.org/Category:Wiki_Engine), [List of wiki software on wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_wiki_software), [Comparison of wiki software on wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_wiki_software).
* [Blazekiss](https://github.com/ldleman/blazekiss) - BlazeKiss is a KISS-based wiki (Keep It Simple, Stupid) - simplicity and functionality comes before all. `PHP`
* [Codex](http://codex.caffeinated.ninja/codex/master) - Codex is a simple file-based Markdown documentation platform built on top of Laravel. - `MIT``PHP`
* [Codex](https://github.com/codex-project/codex) - Codex is a simple file-based Markdown documentation platform built on top of Laravel. - `MIT``PHP`
* [commonplace](https://github.com/fredoliveira/commonplace) - A server for your markdown files. Give it a directory, and Commonplace gives you a url, pretty pages, and quick editing. `Ruby`
* [Dokuwiki](http://www.splitbrain.org/projects/dokuwiki) - An easy to use, lightweight, standards-compliant wiki engine with a simple syntax allowing reading the data outside the wiki. All data is stored in plain files, therefore no database is required. - `GPL``PHP`
* [Gitit](https://github.com/jgm/gitit) - A wiki program that stores pages and uploaded files in a git repository, which can then be modified using the VCS command line tools or the wiki's web interface. Supported markups include pandoc's extended version of markdown, reStructuredText, LaTeX, and HTML. Pages can be exported in a number of different formats, including LaTeX, RTF, OpenOffice ODT, and MediaWiki markup. Other features include: plugins, syntax highlighting, caching, ATOM feeds `Haskell`
@ -788,34 +788,35 @@ This list is under the [Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported](LI
The list of contributors can be found below
154 nodiscc <nodiscc@gmail.com>
120 Edward D <ed.kickball@hotmail.com>
156 nodiscc <nodiscc@gmail.com>
121 Edward D <ed.kickball@hotmail.com>
22 Kickball <ed.kickball@hotmail.com>
13 jungle-boogie <sean@jungleboogie.me>
9 Kovah <mail@kovah.de>
7 édouard u. <mail@edouard.us>
7 phre4k <me@phre4k.at>
7 Thomas Dalichow <info@thomasdalichow.de>
7 n1trux <n1trux@users.noreply.github.com>
7 phre4k <me@phre4k.at>
7 édouard u. <mail@edouard.us>
6 Per Guth <mail@perguth.de>
6 Thomas Dalichow <2012-02-05.github.com@thomasdalichow.de>