This is a list of Free Software network services and web applications which can be hosted locally. Selfhosting is the process of locally hosting and managing applications instead of renting from SaaS providers.
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
45 lines
1.9 KiB
45 lines
1.9 KiB
9 years ago
#!/usr/bin/make -f
SHELL = /bin/bash
all: checks
checks: missinglicenselanguage
@echo "Lines with no source/demo/other link:"
@sed -n -e '/BEGIN SOFTWARE LIST/,/END SOFTWARE LIST/ p' | egrep '^ *\* ' | egrep --color=always '[a-z\.] `'
@echo "Lines with only 1 or no language/license entry:"
@sed -n -e '/BEGIN SOFTWARE LIST/,/END SOFTWARE LIST/ p' | egrep '^ *\* ' | egrep -v '` `'
@git shortlog -sne
@#add a new entry
@printf 'Software name: ' ;\
read Name; if [ -z "$$Name" ]; then printf 'Missing software name!\n'; exit 1 ; fi ;\
printf 'Homepage URL: ' ;\
read Url; if [ -z "$$Url" ]; then printf 'Missing main project URL!\n'; exit 1 ; fi ;\
printf 'Description (max 250 char): ' ;\
read Description; if [ -z "$$Description" ]; then printf 'Missing description!\n'; exit 1 ; fi ;\
printf 'License: ' ;\
read License; if [ -z "$$License" ]; then printf 'Missing license!\n'; exit 1 ; fi ;\
printf 'Main server-side language/platform/requirement: ' ;\
read Language; if [ -z "$$Language" ]; then printf 'Missing language!\n'; exit 1 ; fi ;\
printf 'Demo URL (if any): ' ;\
read Demo; if [ -z "$$Demo" ]; then CDemo="" ; else CDemo="[Demo]($$Demo)" ; fi ;\
printf 'Source code URL (if different from Homepage): ' ;\
read Source; if [ -z "$$Source" ]; then CSource="" ; else CSource="[Source Code]($$Source)" ; fi ;\
if [[ "$$CSource" == "" && "$$Demo" == "" ]]; \
then Moreinfo="";\ printf "debug" ;\
else Moreinfo=$$(echo "($$CSource$$CDemo)" | sed 's|)\[|\], [|g') ;\
fi ;\
echo -e "Copy this entry to your clipboard, paste it in the appropriate category:\n\n" ;\
echo " * [$$Name]($$Url) - $${Description}. $$Moreinfo \`$$License\` \`$$Language\`"
#TODO ask for category and insert item accordingly
#TODO check for unsorted entries
#TODO automatically sort entries/sections
#TODO autoupdate contributors list