[ { "Id": "Menu", "Options": { "menuImportExportPreset": "Import | Export", "menuImportPreset": "Import Preset", "menuExportPreset": "Export Preset", "menuPresets": "Presets", "menuOpposite": "Opposite", "menuClear": "Clear", "menuTheme": "Theme", "menuThemeDark": "Dark", "menuThemeLight": "Light", "menuLanguage": "Language", "menuAbout": "About" } }, { "Id": "Tab", "Options": { "tabSystemProtection": "System Protection", "tabPrivacyTelemetry": "Privacy & Telemetry", "tabUIPersonalization": "UI & Personalization", "tabOneDrive": "OneDrive", "tabSystem": "System", "tabWSL": "WSL", "tabStartMenu": "Start Menu", "tabUWP": "UWP Apps", "tabGaming": "Gaming", "tabScheduledTasks": "Scheduled Tasks", "tabDefenderSecurity": "Defender & Security", "tabContextMenu": "Context Menu", "tabConsoleOutput": "Console Output" } }, { "Id": "Button", "Options": { "btnRefreshConsole": "Refresh Console", "btnRunPowerShell": "Run PowerShell" } }, { "Id": "StatusBar", "Options": { "statusBarHover": "Hover your mouse cursor over the selection items to information about each option", "statusBarPresetLoaded": "preset loaded!", "statusBarPresetNotComp": "preset file is not compatible!", "statusBarSophiaPreset": "Sophia preset loaded!", "statusBarWindowsDefaultPreset": "Windows Default preset loaded!", "statusBarPowerShellScriptCreatedFromSelections": "PowerShell Script created from your selections! You can run it or save it.", "statusBarPowerShellExport": "PowerShell script created!", "statusBarOpposite": "Opposite selected!", "statusBarClear": "Selections all cleared!", "statusBarDisabled": "You must 'Import Preset' first to enable use of Wrapper. Import to enable controls.", "statusBarCurrentOS": "Current OS" } }, { "Id": "MessageBox", "Options": { "messageBoxNewWrapperFound": "A new version of 'Wrapper' found.\nOpen a GitHub latest release page?", "messageBoxNewSophiaFound": "A new version Sophia Script found.\nOpen GitHub latest release page?", "messageBoxDoesNotExist": "does not exist", "messageBoxPresetNotComp": "preset file is not compatible!", "messageBoxFilesMissingClose": "Files missing so Sophia Script Wrapper will close", "messageBoxConsoleEmpty": "The console is empty.\nClick 'Refresh Console' button to create script with your selections" } } ]