[ { "Id": "Menu", "Options": { "menuImportExportPreset": "Import | Export", "menuImportPreset": "Import Preset", "menuExportPreset": "Export Preset", "menuPresets": "Presets", "menuOpposite": "Opposite", "menuClear": "Clear", "menuTheme": "Theme", "menuThemeDark": "Dark", "menuThemeLight": "Light", "menuLanguage": "Language", "menuAbout": "About" } }, { "Id": "Tab", "Options": { "tabSearch": "Search", "tabSystemProtection": "System Protection", "tabPrivacyTelemetry": "Privacy", "tabUIPersonalization": "Personalization", "tabOneDrive": "OneDrive", "tabSystem": "System", "tabWSL": "WSL", "tabStartMenu": "Start Menu", "tabUWP": "UWP Apps", "tabGaming": "Gaming", "tabScheduledTasks": "Scheduled Tasks", "tabDefenderSecurity": "Defender & Security", "tabContextMenu": "Context Menu", "tabUpdatePolicies": "Update Policies", "tabConsoleOutput": "Console Output" } }, { "Id": "Button", "Options": { "btnRefreshConsole": "Refresh Console", "btnRunPowerShell": "Run PowerShell", "btnOpen": "Open", "btnSave": "Save", "btnSearch": "Search", "btnClear": "Clear" } }, { "Id": "StatusBar", "Options": { "statusBarHover": "Hover your mouse cursor over the selection items for information about each option", "statusBarPresetLoaded": "preset loaded!", "statusBarPresetNotComp": "preset file is not compatible!", "statusBarSophiaPreset": "Sophia preset loaded!", "statusBarWindowsDefaultPreset": "Windows Default preset loaded!", "statusBarPowerShellScriptCreatedFromSelections": "PowerShell Script created from your selections! You can run it or save it.", "statusBarPowerShellExport": "PowerShell script created!", "statusBarOpposite": "Opposite selected!", "statusBarClear": "Selections all cleared!", "statusBarDisabled": "Import a preset to enable controls.", "statusBarCurrentOS": "Current OS" } }, { "Id": "MessageBox", "Options": { "messageBoxNewWrapperFound": "A new version of 'Wrapper' found.\nOpen GitHub latest release page?", "messageBoxNewSophiaFound": "A new version Sophia Script found.\nOpen GitHub latest release page?", "messageBoxPS1FileHasToBeInFolder": "Sophia.ps1 preset file must be in Sophia Script folder.", "messageBoxDoesNotExist": "does not exist.", "messageBoxPresetNotComp": "preset file is not compatible!", "messageBoxFilesMissingClose": "Files missing so Sophia Script Wrapper will close.", "messageBoxConsoleEmpty": "The console is empty.\nClick 'Refresh Console' button to create script with your selections.", "messageBoxPowerShellVersionNotInstalled": "PowerShell version you selected is not installed.", "messageBoxMaybeFilesNotUnzippedProperly": "Maybe files not unzipped properly." } }, { "Id": "Other", "Options": { "textBlockSearchInfo": "Enter search string to find the option. The tab will be outlined in the color red locating the tab containing the option(s) and the option's label will also be in outlined in red.", "textBlockSearchFound": "Number of options found:" } } ]