# Do not remove double quotes in double-quoted strings where they are present ConvertFrom-StringData -StringData @' UnsupportedOSBitness = The script supports Windows 10 x64 only ControlledFolderAccessDisabled = Controlled folder access disabled # OneDrive OneDriveUninstalling = Uninstalling OneDrive... OneDriveNotEmptyFolder = "The $OneDriveUserFolder folder is not empty `nDelete it manually" OneDriveFileSyncShell64dllBlocked = "$FileSyncShell64dll is blocked `nDelete it manually" OneDriveInstalling = OneDriveSetup.exe is starting... OneDriveDownloading = Downloading OneDrive... ~33 MB OneDriveNoInternetConnection = No Internet connection # TempPath LOCALAPPDATAFilesBlocked = "The following files are being blocked by third-party party apps `nRemove them manually and continue" LOCALAPPDATANotEmpty = "The $env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Temp folder is not empty `nClear it manually and try again" # DisableWindowsCapabilities FODWindowTitle = Optional features (FODv2) to remove FODWindowButton = Uninstall DialogBoxOpening = Displaying the dialog box... NoData = Nothing to display # WindowsSandbox EnableHardwareVT = Enable Virtualization in UEFI # ChangeUserShellFolderLocation UserShellFolderNotEmpty = "Some files left in the $UserShellFolderRegValue folder `nMove them manually to a new location" RetrievingDrivesList = Retrieving drives list... # Desktop DesktopDriveSelect = Select the drive within the root of which the Desktop folder will be created DesktopFilesWontBeMoved = Files will not be moved DesktopFolderRequest = Would you like to change the location of the Desktop folder? DesktopFolderChange = Change DesktopFolderSkip = Skip DesktopSkipped = Skipped # Documents DocumentsDriveSelect = Select the drive within the root of which the Documents folder will be created DocumentsFilesWontBeMoved = Files will not be moved DocumentsFolderRequest = Would you like to change the location of the Documents folder? DocumentsFolderChange = Change DocumentsFolderSkip = Skip DocumentsSkipped = Skipped # Downloads DownloadsDriveSelect = Select the drive within the root of which the Downloads folder will be created DownloadsFilesWontBeMoved = Files will not be moved DownloadsFolderRequest = Would you like to change the location of the Downloads folder? DownloadsFolderChange = Change DownloadsFolderSkip = Skip DownloadsSkipped = Skipped # Music MusicDriveSelect = Select the drive within the root of which the Music folder will be created MusicFilesWontBeMoved = Files will not be moved MusicFolderRequest = Would you like to change the location of the Music folder? MusicFolderChange = Change MusicFolderSkip = Skip MusicSkipped = Skipped # Pictures PicturesDriveSelect = Select the drive within the root of which the Pictures folder will be created PicturesFilesWontBeMoved = Files will not be moved PicturesFolderRequest = Would you like to change the location of the Pictures folder? PicturesFolderChange = Change PicturesFolderSkip = Skip PicturesSkipped = Skipped # Videos VideosDriveSelect = Select the drive within the root of which the Videos folder will be created VideosFilesWontBeMoved = Files will not be moved VideosFolderRequest = Would you like to change the location of the Videos folder? VideosFolderChange = Change VideosFolderSkip = Skip VideosSkipped = Skipped # SetDefaultUserShellFolderLocation # Desktop DesktopDefaultFolder = Would you like to change the location of the Desktop folder to the default value? # Documents DocumentsDefaultFolder = Would you like to change the location of the Documents folder to the default value? # Downloads DownloadsDefaultFolder = Would you like to change the location of the Downloads folder to the default value? # Music MusicDefaultFolder = Would you like to change the location of the Music folder to the default value? # Pictures PicturesDefaultFolder = Would you like to change the location of the Pictures folder to the default value? # Videos VideosDefaultFolder = Would you like to change the location of the Videos folder to the default value? # ReservedStorage ReservedStorageIsInUse = This operation is not supported when reserved storage is in use `nPlease wait for any servicing operations to complete and then try again later # syspin syspinNoInternetConnection = No Internet connection syspinDownloading = Downloading syspin... ~20 KB # PinControlPanel/PinDevicesPrinters/PinCommandPrompt ControlPanelPinning = "$ControlPanelLocalizedName shortcut is being pinned to Start" DevicesPrintersPinning = "$DevicesAndPrintersLocalizedName shortcut is being pinned to Start" CMDPinning = Command Prompt shortcut is being pinned to Start # UninstallUWPApps UninstallUWPForAll = Uninstall for All Users UninstallUWPTitle = UWP Packages to Uninstall UninstallUWPUninstallButton = Uninstall # WSL WSLUpdateDownloading = Downloading the Linux kernel update package... ~14 MB WSLUpdateInstalling = Installing the Linux kernel update package... # SetAppGraphicsPerformance GraphicsPerformanceTitle = Graphics performance preference GraphicsPerformanceRequest = Would you like to set the graphics performance setting of an app of your choice to "High performance"? GraphicsPerformanceAdd = Add GraphicsPerformanceSkip = Skip GraphicsPerformanceFilter = *.exe|*.exe|All Files (*.*)|*.* GraphicsPerformanceSkipped = Skipped # CreateCleanUpTask CleanUpTaskToast = Cleaning up unused Windows files and updates starts in a minute CleanUpTaskDescription = Cleaning up unused Windows files and updates using built-in Disk cleanup app. To decode encoded command use [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString([System.Convert]::FromBase64String("string")) # CreateSoftwareDistributionTask SoftwareDistributionTaskDescription = The %SystemRoot%\\SoftwareDistribution\\Download # CreateTempTask TempTaskDescription = The %TEMP% folder cleaning # AddProtectedFolders AddProtectedFoldersTitle = Controlled folder access AddProtectedFoldersRequest = Would you like to enable Controlled folder access and specify the folder that Microsoft Defender will protect from malicious apps and threats? AddProtectedFoldersAdd = Add AddProtectedFoldersSkip = Skip AddProtectedFoldersDescription = Select a folder AddProtectedFoldersSkipped = Skipped # RemoveProtectedFolders RemoveProtectedFoldersList = Removed folders # AddAppControlledFolder AddAppControlledFolderTitle = Controlled folder access AddAppControlledFolderRequest = Would you like to specify an app that is allowed through Controlled Folder access? AddAppControlledFolderAdd = Add AddAppControlledFolderSkip = Skip AddAppControlledFolderFilter = *.exe|*.exe|All Files (*.*)|*.* AddAppControlledFolderSkipped = Skipped # RemoveAllowedAppsControlledFolder RemoveAllowedAppsControlledFolderList = Removed allowed apps # AddDefenderExclusionFolder AddDefenderExclusionFolderTitle = Microsoft Defender AddDefenderExclusionFolderRequest = Would you like to specify a folder to be excluded from Microsoft Defender malware scans? AddDefenderExclusionFolderAdd = Add AddDefenderExclusionFolderSkip = Skip AddDefenderExclusionFolderDescription = Select a folder AddDefenderExclusionFolderSkipped = Skipped # RemoveDefenderExclusionFolders RemoveDefenderExclusionFoldersList = Excluded folders removed # AddDefenderExclusionFile AddDefenderExclusionFileTitle = Microsoft Defender AddDefenderExclusionFileRequest = Would you like to specify a file to be excluded from Microsoft Defender malware scans? AddDefenderExclusionFileAdd = Add AddDefenderExclusionFileSkip = Skip AddDefenderExclusionFileFilter = All Files (*.*)|*.* AddDefenderExclusionFileSkipped = Skipped # RemoveDefenderExclusionFiles RemoveDefenderExclusionFilesList = Excluded files removed # CreateEventViewerCustomView EventViewerCustomViewName = Process Creation EventViewerCustomViewDescription = Process Creation and Command-line Auditing Events # Refresh RestartWarning = Restart your PC # Errors ErrorsLine = Line ErrorsFile = File ErrorsMessage = Errors/Warnings '@