<#privacy&telemetry#> TelemetryService -Disable;Disable the "Connected User Experiences and Telemetry" service; TelemetryService -Enable;Enable the "Connected User Experiences and Telemetry" service (default value); DiagnosticDataLevel -Minimal;Set the OS level of diagnostic data gathering to minimum; DiagnosticDataLevel -Default;Set the default OS level of diagnostic data gathering; ErrorReporting -Disable;Turn off Windows Error Reporting for the current user; ErrorReporting -Enable;Turn on Windows Error Reporting for the current user (default value); WindowsFeedback -Disable;Change Windows feedback frequency to "Never" for the current user; WindowsFeedback -Enable;Change Windows Feedback frequency to "Automatically" for the current user (default value); ScheduledTasks -Disable;Turn off diagnostics tracking scheduled tasks; ScheduledTasks -Enable;Turn on diagnostics tracking scheduled tasks (default value); SigninInfo -Disable;Do not use sign-in info to automatically finish setting up device and reopen apps after an update or restart (current user only); SigninInfo -Enable;Use sign-in info to automatically finish setting up device and reopen apps after an update or restart (current user only) (default value); LanguageListAccess -Disable;Do not let websites provide locally relevant content by accessing language list (current user only); LanguageListAccess -Enable;Let websites provide locally relevant content by accessing language list (current user only) (default value); AdvertisingID -Disable;Do not allow apps to use advertising ID (current user only); AdvertisingID -Enable;Allow apps to use advertising ID (current user only) (default value); ShareAcrossDevices -Disable;Do not let apps on other devices open and message apps on this device, and vice versa (current user only); ShareAcrossDevices -Enable;Let apps on other devices open and message apps on this device, and vice versa (current user only) (default value); WindowsWelcomeExperience -Hide;Hide the Windows welcome experiences after updates and occasionally when I sign in to highlight what's new and suggested (current user only); WindowsWelcomeExperience -Show;Show the Windows welcome experiences after updates and occasionally when I sign in to highlight what's new and suggested (current user only) (default value); WindowsTips -Enable;Get tip, trick, and suggestions as you use Windows (current user only) (default value); WindowsTips -Disable;Do not get tip, trick, and suggestions as you use Windows (current user only); SettingsSuggestedContent -Hide;Hide suggested content in the Settings app (current user only); SettingsSuggestedContent -Show;Show suggested content in the Settings app (current user only) (default value); AppsSilentInstalling -Disable;Turn off automatic installing suggested apps (current user only); AppsSilentInstalling -Enable;Turn on automatic installing suggested apps (current user only) (default value); WhatsNewInWindows -Disable;Do not suggest ways I can finish setting up my device to get the most out of Windows (current user only); WhatsNewInWindows -Enable;Suggest ways I can finish setting up my device to get the most out of Windows (default value); TailoredExperiences -Disable;Do not offer tailored experiences based on the diagnostic data setting (current user only); TailoredExperiences -Enable;Offer tailored experiences based on the diagnostic data setting (default value); BingSearch -Disable;Disable Bing search in the Start Menu (for the USA only); BingSearch -Enable;Enable Bing search in the Start Menu (current user only) (default value) <#ui&personal#> ThisPC -Show;Show "This PC" on Desktop (current user only); ThisPC -Hide;Hide "This PC" on Desktop (current user only) (default value); CheckBoxes -Disable;Do not use check boxes to select items (current user only); CheckBoxes -Enable;Use check boxes to select items (current user only) (default value); HiddenItems -Enable;Show hidden files, folders, and drives (current user only); HiddenItems -Disable;Do not show hidden files, folders, and drives (current user only) (default value); FileExtensions -Show;Show file name extensions (current user only); FileExtensions -Hide;Hide file name extensions (current user only) (default value); MergeConflicts -Show;Do not hide folder merge conflicts (current user only); MergeConflicts -Hide;Hide folder merge conflicts (current user only) (default value); OpenFileExplorerTo -ThisPC;Open File Explorer to: "This PC" (current user only); OpenFileExplorerTo -QuickAccess;Open File Explorer to: "Quick access" (current user only) (default value); CortanaButton -Hide;Hide Cortana button on the taskbar (current user only); CortanaButton -Show;Show Cortana button on the taskbar (current user only) (default value); OneDriveFileExplorerAd -Hide;Do not show sync provider notification within File Explorer (current user only); OneDriveFileExplorerAd -Show;Show sync provider notification within File Explorer (current user only) (default value); TaskViewButton -Hide;Hide Task View button on the taskbar (current user only); TaskViewButton -Show;Show Task View button on the taskbar (current user only) (default value); PeopleTaskbar -Hide;Hide People button on the taskbar (current user only); PeopleTaskbar -Show;Show People button on the taskbar (current user only) (default value); SecondsInSystemClock -Show;Show seconds on the taskbar clock (current user only); SecondsInSystemClock -Hide;Hide seconds on the taskbar clock (current user only) (default value); SnapAssist -Disable;When I snap a window, do not show what I can snap next to it (current user only); SnapAssist -Enable;When I snap a window, show what I can snap next to it (current user only) (default value); FileTransferDialog -Detailed;Always open the file transfer dialog box in the detailed mode (current user only); FileTransferDialog -Compact;Always open the file transfer dialog box in the compact mode (current user only) (default value); FileExplorerRibbon -Expanded;Always expand the ribbon in the File Explorer (current user only); FileExplorerRibbon -Minimized;Always minimize the ribbon in the File Explorer (current user only) (default value); RecycleBinDeleteConfirmation -Enable;Display recycle bin files delete confirmation; RecycleBinDeleteConfirmation -Disable;Do not display recycle bin files delete confirmation (default value); 3DObjects -Hide;Hide the "3D Objects" folder in "This PC" and "Quick access" (current user only); 3DObjects -Show;Show the "3D Objects" folder in "This PC" and "Quick access" (current user only) (default value); QuickAccessFrequentFolders -Hide;Hide frequently used folders in "Quick access" (current user only); QuickAccessFrequentFolders -Show;Show frequently used folders in "Quick access" (current user only) (default value); QuickAccessRecentFiles -Hide;Do not show recently used files in Quick access (current user only); QuickAccessRecentFiles -Show;Show recently used files in Quick access (current user only) (default value); WindowsInkWorkspace -Hide;Do not show the "Windows Ink Workspace" button on the taskbar (current user only); WindowsInkWorkspace -Show;Show the "Windows Ink Workspace" button in taskbar (current user only) (default value); TrayIcons -Show;Always show all icons in the notification area (current user only); TrayIcons -Hide;Do not show all icons in the notification area (current user only) (default value); UnpinTaskbarEdgeStore;Unpin "Microsoft Edge" and "Microsoft Store" from the taskbar (current user only); ControlPanelView -LargeIcons;View the Control Panel icons by: large icons (current user only); ControlPanelView -Category;View the Control Panel icons by: category (current user only) (default value); WindowsColorScheme -Dark;Set the Windows mode color scheme to the dark (current user only); WindowsColorScheme -Light;Set the Windows mode color scheme to the light (current user only); AppMode -Dark;Set the default app mode color scheme to the dark (current user only); AppMode -Light;Set the default app mode color scheme to the light (current user only); NewAppInstalledNotification -Hide;Do not show the "New App Installed" indicator; NewAppInstalledNotification -Show;Show the "New App Installed" indicator (default value); FirstLogonAnimation -Disable;Hide user first sign-in animation after the upgrade; FirstLogonAnimation -Enable;Show user first sign-in animation after the upgrade (default value); JPEGWallpapersQuality -Max;Set the quality factor of the JPEG desktop wallpapers to maximum (current user only); JPEGWallpapersQuality -Default;Set the quality factor of the JPEG desktop wallpapers to default (current user only); TaskManagerWindow -Expanded;Start Task Manager in expanded mode (current user only); TaskManagerWindow -Compact;Start Task Manager in compact mode (current user only) (default value); RestartNotification -Show;Show a notification when your PC requires a restart to finish updating; RestartNotification -Hide;Do not show a notification when your PC requires a restart to finish updating (default value); ShortcutsSuffix -Disable;Do not add the "- Shortcut" suffix to the file name of created shortcuts (current user only); ShortcutsSuffix -Enable;Add the "- Shortcut" suffix to the file name of created shortcuts (current user only) (default value); PrtScnSnippingTool -Enable;Use the PrtScn button to open screen snipping (current user only); PrtScnSnippingTool -Disable;Do not use the PrtScn button to open screen snipping (current user only) (default value); AppsLanguageSwitch -Disable;Let let use a different input method for each app window (current user only); AppsLanguageSwitch -Enable;Do not let use a different input method for each app window (current user only) (default value) <#onedrive#> UninstallOneDrive;Uninstall OneDrive; InstallOneDrive;Install OneDrive (current user only) (default value) <#system#> StorageSense -Enable;Turn on Storage Sense (current user only); StorageSense -Disable;Turn off Storage Sense (current user only) (default value); StorageSenseFrequency -Month;Run Storage Sense every month (current user only); StorageSenseFrequency -Default;Run Storage Sense during low free disk space (default value) (current user only); StorageSenseTempFiles -Enable;Delete temporary files that apps aren't using (current user only); StorageSenseTempFiles -Disable;Do not delete temporary files that apps aren't using (current user only); StorageSenseRecycleBin -Enable;Delete files in recycle bin if they have been there for over 30 days (current user only); StorageSenseRecycleBin -Disable;Do not delete files in recycle bin if they have been there for over 30 days (current user only); Hibernate -Disable;Disable hibernation if the device is not a laptop; Hibernate -Enable;Enable hibernate (default value); TempFolder -SystemDrive;Change the %TEMP% environment variable path to "%SystemDrive%\Temp" (both machine-wide, and for the current user); TempFolder -Default;Change %TEMP% environment variable path to "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Temp" (both machine-wide, and for the current user) (default value); Win32LongPathLimit -Disable;Disable Windows 260 characters path limit; Win32LongPathLimit -Enable;Enable Windows 260 character path limit (default value); BSoDStopError -Enable;Display the Stop error information on the BSoD; BSoDStopError -Disable;Do not display the Stop error information on the BSoD (default value); AdminApprovalMode -Disable;Change "Behavior of the elevation prompt for administrators in Admin Approval Mode" to "Elevate without prompting"; AdminApprovalMode -Enable;Change "Behavior of the elevation prompt for administrators in Admin Approval Mode" to "Prompt for consent for non-Windows binaries" (default value); MappedDrivesAppElevatedAccess -Enable;Turn on access to mapped drives from app running with elevated permissions with Admin Approval Mode enabled; MappedDrivesAppElevatedAccess -Disable;Turn off access to mapped drives from app running with elevated permissions with Admin Approval Mode enabled (default value); DeliveryOptimization -Disable;Opt out of the Delivery Optimization-assisted updates downloading; DeliveryOptimization -Enable;Opt-in to the Delivery Optimization-assisted updates downloading (default value); WaitNetworkStartup -Enable;Always wait for the network at computer startup and logon for workgroup networks; WaitNetworkStartup -Disable;Never wait for the network at computer startup and logon for workgroup networks (default value); WindowsManageDefaultPrinter -Disable;Do not let Windows decide which printer should be the default one (current user only); WindowsManageDefaultPrinter -Enable;Let Windows decide which printer should be the default one (current user only) (default value); WindowsFeatures -Disable;Disable the Windows features using the pop-up dialog box that enables the user to select features to remove; WindowsFeatures -Enable;Enable the Windows features using the pop-up dialog box that enables the user to select features to remove; WindowsCapabilities -Disable;Disable Features On Demand v2 (FODv2) capabilities using the pop-up dialog box; WindowsCapabilities -Enable;Enable Feature On Demand v2 (FODv2) capabilities using the pop-up dialog box; UpdateMicrosoftProducts -Enable;Opt-in to Microsoft Update service, so to receive updates for other Microsoft products; UpdateMicrosoftProducts -Disable;Opt-out of Microsoft Update service, so not to receive updates for other Microsoft products (default value); BackgroundUWPApps -Disable;Do not let all UWP apps run in the background (current user only); BackgroundUWPApps -Enable;Let all UWP apps run in the background (current user only) (default value); PowerManagementScheme -High;Set the power management scheme on "High performance" if device is a desktop; PowerManagementScheme -Balanced;Set the power management scheme on "Balanced" (default value); LatestInstalled.NET -Enable;Use latest installed .NET runtime for all apps; LatestInstalled.NET -Disable;Do not use latest installed .NET runtime for all apps (default value); PCTurnOffDevice -Disable;Do not allow the computer (if device is not a laptop) to turn off the network adapters to save power; PCTurnOffDevice -Enable;Allow the computer to turn off the network adapters to save power (default value); SetInputMethod -English;Set the default input method to the English language; SetInputMethod -Default;Reset the default input method; WinPrtScrFolder -Desktop;Save screenshots by pressing Win+PrtScr to the Desktop folder (current user only); WinPrtScrFolder -Default;Save screenshots by pressing Win+PrtScr to the Pictures folder (current user only) (default value); RecommendedTroubleshooting -Automatic;Run troubleshooters automatically, then notify. In order this feature to work the OS level of diagnostic data gathering must be set to "Optional diagnostic data"; RecommendedTroubleshooting -Default;Ask me before running troubleshooters (default value). In order this feature to work the OS level of diagnostic data gathering must be set to "Optional diagnostic data"; FoldersLaunchSeparateProcess -Enable;Launch folder windows in a separate process (current user only); FoldersLaunchSeparateProcess -Disable;Do not launch folder windows in a separate process (current user only) (default value); ReservedStorage -Disable;Disable and delete reserved storage after the next update installation; ReservedStorage -Enable;Enable reserved storage (default value); F1HelpPage -Disable;Disable help lookup via F1 (current user only); F1HelpPage -Enable;Enable help lookup via F1 (current user only) (default value); NumLock -Enable;Enable Num Lock at startup; NumLock -Disable;Disable Num Lock at startup (default value); StickyShift -Disable;Disable StickyKey after tapping the Shift key 5 times (current user only); StickyShift -Enable;Enable StickyKey after tapping the Shift key 5 times (current user only) (default value); Autoplay -Disable;Disable AutoPlay for all media and devices (current user only); Autoplay -Enable;Enable AutoPlay for all media and devices (current user only) (default value); ThumbnailCacheRemoval -Disable;Disable thumbnail cache removal; ThumbnailCacheRemoval -Enable;Enable thumbnail cache removal (default value); SaveRestartableApps -Enable;Enable automatically saving my restartable apps when signing out and restart them after signing in (current user only); SaveRestartableApps -Disable;Disable automatically saving my restartable apps when signing out and restart them after signing in (current user only) (default value); NetworkDiscovery -Enable;Enable "Network Discovery" and "File and Printers Sharing" for workgroup networks; NetworkDiscovery -Disable;Disable "Network Discovery" and "File and Printers Sharing" for workgroup networks (default value); SmartActiveHours -Enable;Automatically adjust active hours for me based on daily usage; SmartActiveHours -Disable;Do not automatically adjust active hours for me based on daily usage (default value); DeviceRestartAfterUpdate -Enable;Restart this device as soon as possible when a restart is required to install an update; DeviceRestartAfterUpdate -Disable;Do not restart this device as soon as possible when a restart is required to install an update (default value); WSL -Enable;Install the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). https://github.com/farag2/Windows-10-Sophia-Script/issues/43. https://github.com/microsoft/WSL/issues/5437; WSL -Disable;Uninstall the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL); EnableWSL2;Download and install the Linux kernel update package. Set WSL 2 as the default version when installing a new Linux distribution. Run the function only after WSL installed and PC restart. https://github.com/microsoft/WSL/issues/5437. https://github.com/farag2/Windows-10-Sophia-Script/issues/43; WSLSwap -Disable;Disable swap file in WSL. Use only if the %TEMP% environment variable path changed. https://github.com/microsoft/WSL/issues/5437; WSLSwap -Enable;Enable swap file in WSL. https://github.com/microsoft/WSL/issues/5437 <#start#> RecentlyAddedApps -Hide;Hide recently added apps in the Start menu; RecentlyAddedApps -Show;Show recently added apps in the Start menu (default value); AppSuggestions -Hide;Hide app suggestions in the Start menu; AppSuggestions -Show;Show app suggestions in the Start menu (default value); RunCMDShortcut -Elevated;Run the Command Prompt shortcut from the Start menu as Administrator; RunCMDShortcut -NonElevated;Run the Command Prompt shortcut from the Start menu as user (default value); UnpinAllStartTiles;Unpin all the Start tiles; syspin;Test if syspin.exe is in a folder. Unless download it. http://www.technosys.net/products/utils/pintotaskbar. SHA256: 07D6C3A19A8E3E243E9545A41DD30A9EE1E9AD79CDD6D446C229D689E5AB574A; PinControlPanel;Pin the "Control Panel" shortcut to Start within syspin; PinDevicesPrinters;Pin the old-style "Devices and Printers" shortcut to Start within syspin; PinCommandPrompt;Pin the Command Prompt" shortcut to Start within syspin <#uwp#> UninstallUWPApps;Uninstall UWP apps using the pop-up dialog box that enables the user to select packages to remove. App packages will not be installed for new users if "Uninstall for All Users" is checked; InstallHEVC;Open Microsoft Store "HEVC Video Extensions from Device Manufacturer" page. The extension can be installed without Microsoft account for free instead of $0.99. "Movies & TV" app required; CortanaAutostart -Disable;Disable Cortana autostarting; CortanaAutostart -Enable;Enable Cortana autostarting (default value); CheckUWPAppsUpdates;Check for UWP apps updates <#gaming#> XboxGameBar -Disable;Disable Xbox Game Bar; XboxGameBar -Enable;Enable Xbox Game Bar (default value); XboxGameTips -Disable;Disable Xbox Game Bar tips; XboxGameTips -Enable;Enable Xbox Game Bar tips (default value); SetAppGraphicsPerformance;Set "High performance" in graphics performance preference for an app. Only with a dedicated GPU; GPUScheduling -Enable;Turn on hardware-accelerated GPU scheduling. Restart needed. Only with a dedicated GPU and WDDM verion is 2.7 or higher; GPUScheduling -Disable;Turn off hardware-accelerated GPU scheduling (default value). Restart needed <#scheduled#> CleanUpTask -Register;Create the "Windows Cleanup" task to clean up unused files and Windows updates in the Task Scheduler. A minute before the task starts, a warning in the Windows action center will appear. The task runs every 90 days; CleanUpTask -Delete;Delete the "Windows Cleanup" task to clean up unused files and Windows updates in the Task Scheduler; SoftwareDistributionTask -Register;Create the "SoftwareDistribution" task to clear the %SystemRoot%\SoftwareDistribution\Download folder in the Task Scheduler. The task runs on Thursdays every 4 weeks; SoftwareDistributionTask -Delete;Delete the "SoftwareDistribution" task to clear the %SystemRoot%\SoftwareDistribution\Download folder in the Task Scheduler; CreateTempTask;Create a task to clear the %TEMP% folder in the Task Scheduler. The task runs every 62 days; DeleteTempTask;Delete a task to clear the %TEMP% folder in the Task Scheduler <#defender&security#> AddProtectedFolders;Enable Controlled folder access and add protected folders; RemoveProtectedFolders;Remove all added protected folders; AddAppControlledFolder;Allow an app through Controlled folder access; RemoveAllowedAppsControlledFolder;Remove all allowed apps through Controlled folder access; AddDefenderExclusionFolder;Add a folder to the exclusion from Microsoft Defender scanning; RemoveDefenderExclusionFolders;Remove all excluded folders from Microsoft Defender scanning; AddDefenderExclusionFile;Add a file to the exclusion from Microsoft Defender scanning; RemoveDefenderExclusionFiles;Remove all excluded files from Microsoft Defender scanning; NetworkProtection -Enable;Enable Microsoft Defender Exploit Guard network protection; NetworkProtection -Disable;Disable Microsoft Defender Exploit Guard network protection (default value); PUAppsDetection -Enable;Enable detection for potentially unwanted applications and block them; PUAppsDetection -Disable;Disable detection for potentially unwanted applications and block them (default value); DefenderSandbox -Enable;Enable sandboxing for Microsoft Defender; DefenderSandbox -Disable;Disable sandboxing for Microsoft Defender (default value); DismissMSAccount;Dismiss Microsoft Defender offer in the Windows Security about signing in Microsoft account; DismissSmartScreenFilter;Dismiss Microsoft Defender offer in the Windows Security about turning on the SmartScreen filter for Microsoft Edge; AuditProcess -Enable;Enable events auditing generated when a process is created or starts; AuditProcess -Disable;Disable events auditing generated when a process is created or starts (default value); AuditCommandLineProcess -Enable;Include command line in process creation events. In order this feature to work events auditing will be enabled ("AuditProcess -Enable" function); AuditCommandLineProcess -Disable;Do not include command line in process creation events (default value); EventViewerCustomView -Enable;Create "Process Creation" Event Viewer Custom View. In order this feature to work events auditing ("AuditProcess -Enable" function) and command line in process creation events will be enabled; EventViewerCustomView -Disable;Remove "Process Creation" Event Viewer Custom View (default value); PowerShellModulesLogging -Enable;Enable logging for all Windows PowerShell modules; PowerShellModulesLogging -Disable;Disable logging for all Windows PowerShell modules (default value); PowerShellScriptsLogging -Enable;Enable logging for all PowerShell scripts input to the Windows PowerShell event log; PowerShellScriptsLogging -Disable;Disable logging for all PowerShell scripts input to the Windows PowerShell event log (default value); AppsSmartScreen -Disable;Disable apps and files checking within Microsofot Defender SmartScreen; AppsSmartScreen -Enable;Enable apps and files checking within Microsofot Defender SmartScree (default value); SaveZoneInformation -Disable;Disable the Attachment Manager marking files that have been downloaded from the Internet as unsafe (current user only); SaveZoneInformation -Enable;Enable the Attachment Manager marking files that have been downloaded from the Internet as unsafe (current user only) (default value); WindowsScriptHost -Disable;Disable Windows Script Host (current user only). It becomes impossible to run .js and .vbs files; WindowsScriptHost -Enable;Emable Windows Script Host (current user only) (default value); WindowsSandbox -Enable;Enable Windows Sandbox; WindowsSandbox -Disable;Disable Windows Sandbox (default value) <#context#> MSIExtractContext -Add;Add the "Extract all" item to Windows Installer (.msi) context menu; MSIExtractContext -Remove;Remove the "Extract all" item from Windows Installer (.msi) context menu (default value); CABInstallContext -Add;Add the "Install" item to the .cab archives context menu; CABInstallContext -Remove;Remove the "Install" item from the .cab archives context menu (default value); RunAsDifferentUserContext -Add;Add the "Run as different user" item to the .exe files types context menu; RunAsDifferentUserContext -Remove;Remove the "Run as different user" item from the .exe files types context menu (default value); CastToDeviceContext -Hide;Hide the "Cast to Device" item from the context menu; CastToDeviceContext -Show;Show the "Cast to Device" item in the context menu (default value); ShareContext -Hide;Hide the "Share" item from the context menu; ShareContext -Show;Show the "Share" item in the context menu (default value); EditWithPaint3DContext -Hide;Hide the "Edit with Paint 3D" item from the context menu; EditWithPaint3DContext -Show;Show the "Edit with Paint 3D" item in the context menu (default value); EditWithPhotosContext -Hide;Hide the "Edit with Photos" item from the context menu; EditWithPhotosContext -Show;Show the "Edit with Photos" item in the context menu (default value); CreateANewVideoContext -Hide;Hide the "Create a new video" item from the context menu; CreateANewVideoContext -Show;Show the "Create a new video" item in the context menu (default value); ImagesEditContext -Hide;Hide the "Edit" item from the images context menu; ImagesEditContext -Show;Show the "Edit" item from in images context menu (default value); PrintCMDContext -Hide;Hide the "Print" item from the .bat and .cmd context menu; PrintCMDContext -Show;Show the "Print" item in the .bat and .cmd context menu (default value); IncludeInLibraryContext -Hide;Hide the "Include in Library" item from the context menu; IncludeInLibraryContext -Show;Show the "Include in Library" item in the context menu (default value); SendToContext -Hide;Hide the "Send to" item from the folders context menu; SendToContext -Show;Show the "Send to" item in the folders context menu (default value); BitLockerContext -Hide;Hide the "Turn on BitLocker" item from the context menu; BitLockerContext -Show;Show the "Turn on BitLocker" item in the context menu (default value); BitmapImageNewContext -Remove;Remove the "Bitmap image" item from the "New" context menu; BitmapImageNewContext -Add;Add the "Bitmap image" item in the "New" context menu (default value); RichTextDocumentNewContext -Remove;Remove the "Rich Text Document" item from the "New" context menu; RichTextDocumentNewContext -Add;Add the "Rich Text Document" item in the "New" context menu (default value); CompressedFolderNewContext -Remove;Remove the "Compressed (zipped) Folder" item from the "New" context menu; CompressedFolderNewContext -Add;Add the "Compressed (zipped) Folder" item from the "New" context menu (default value); MultipleInvokeContext -Enable;Enable the "Open", "Print", and "Edit" context menu items for more than 15 items selected; MultipleInvokeContext -Disable;Disable the "Open", "Print", and "Edit" context menu items for more than 15 items selected (default value); UseStoreOpenWith -Hide;Hide the "Look for an app in the Microsoft Store" item in the "Open with" dialog; UseStoreOpenWith -Show;Show the "Look for an app in the Microsoft Store" item in the "Open with" dialog (default value); PreviousVersionsPage -Hide;Hide the "Previous Versions" tab from files and folders context menu and also the "Restore previous versions" context menu item; PreviousVersionsPage -Show;Show the "Previous Versions" tab from files and folders context menu and also the "Restore previous versions" context menu item (default value) <#other#> TaskbarSearch -Hide;Hide the search box or the search icon from the taskbar (current user only); TaskbarSearch -SearchIcon;Show the search box on the taskbar (current user only); TaskbarSearch -SearchBox;Show the search icon on the taskbar (current user only) (default value); SetUserShellFolderLocation -Root;Change the location of the user folders to any disks root of your choice using the interactive menu (current user only). User files or folders won't me moved to a new location; SetUserShellFolderLocation -Custom;Select a folder for the location of the user folders manually using a folder browser dialog (current user only). User files or folders won't me moved to a new location; SetUserShellFolderLocation -Default;Change the location of the user folders to the default values (current user only). User files or folders won't me moved to the new location <#end#>