name: Build on: push: tags: - '*.*.*' - '*.*' jobs: patch: runs-on: windows-latest timeout-minutes: 5 steps: - uses: actions/checkout@master - name: Sophia Script for Windows 10 run: | # $Parameters = @{ Uri = "" } $LatestRelease = (Invoke-RestMethod @Parameters).Sophia_Script_Windows_10_PowerShell_5_1 New-Item -Path "Sophia Script for Windows 10 v$LatestRelease" -ItemType Directory -Force Write-Verbose -Message "Sophia Script for Windows 10 v$LatestRelease" -Verbose Write-Verbose -Message "Sophia.Script.for.Windows.10.v$" -Verbose Get-ChildItem -Path "Sophia Script\Sophia Script for Windows 10" -Recurse -Force | Copy-Item -Destination "Sophia Script for Windows 10 v$LatestRelease" -Recurse -Force $Parameters = @{ Path = "Sophia Script for Windows 10 v$LatestRelease" DestinationPath = "Sophia.Script.for.Windows.10.v$" CompressionLevel = "Fastest" Force = $true } Compress-Archive @Parameters # Calculate hash Get-Item -Path "Sophia.Script.for.Windows.10.v$" -Force | ForEach-Object -Process { "$($_.Name) $((Get-FileHash -LiteralPath $_.FullName -Algorithm SHA256).Hash)" } | Add-Content -Path SHA256SUM -Encoding Default -Force - name: Sophia Script for Windows 10 PowerShell 7 run: | # $Parameters = @{ Uri = "" } $LatestRelease = (Invoke-RestMethod @Parameters).Sophia_Script_Windows_10_PowerShell_7 New-Item -Path "Sophia Script for Windows 10 v$LatestRelease PowerShell 7" -ItemType Directory -Force Write-Verbose -Message "Sophia Script for Windows 10 v$LatestRelease PowerShell 7" -Verbose Write-Verbose -Message "Sophia.Script.for.Windows.10.v$" -Verbose Get-ChildItem -Path "Sophia Script\Sophia Script for Windows 10 PowerShell 7" -Recurse | Copy-Item -Destination "Sophia Script for Windows 10 v$LatestRelease PowerShell 7" -Recurse -Force # Download Microsoft.Windows.SDK.NET.Ref $Parameters = @{ Uri = "" OutFile = "$PSScriptRoot\" Verbose = $true } Invoke-WebRequest @Parameters Rename-Item -Path "$PSScriptRoot\Microsoft.Windows.SDK.NET.Ref.nupkg" -NewName "" $Parameters = @{ Path = "$PSScriptRoot\" DestinationPath = "$PSScriptRoot\SDK" Force = $true Verbose = $true } Expand-Archive @Parameters # Download CsWinRT $Parameters = @{ Uri = "" } $URL = ((Invoke-RestMethod @Parameters).assets | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.browser_download_url -match "nupkg"}).browser_download_url $Parameters = @{ Uri = $URL OutFile = "$PSScriptRoot\Microsoft.Windows.CsWinRT.nupkg" Verbose = $true } Invoke-WebRequest @Parameters Rename-Item -Path "$PSScriptRoot\Microsoft.Windows.CsWinRT.nupkg" -NewName "" -Force $Parameters = @{ Path = "$PSScriptRoot\" DestinationPath = "$PSScriptRoot\CsWinRT" Force = $true Verbose = $true } Expand-Archive @Parameters New-Item -Path "Sophia Script for Windows 10 v$LatestRelease PowerShell 7\Libraries" -ItemType Directory -Force $Parameters = @{ Path = @("$PSScriptRoot\sdk\lib\Microsoft.Windows.SDK.NET.dll", "$PSScriptRoot\CsWinRT\lib\net5.0\WinRT.Runtime.dll") Destination = "Sophia Script for Windows 10 v$LatestRelease PowerShell 7\Libraries" Recurse = $true Force = $true } Copy-Item @Parameters $Parameters = @{ Path = "Sophia Script for Windows 10 v$LatestRelease PowerShell 7" DestinationPath = "Sophia.Script.for.Windows.10.v$" Force = $true } Compress-Archive @Parameters $Items = @( "$PSScriptRoot\CsWinRT", "$PSScriptRoot\SDK", "$PSScriptRoot\", "$PSScriptRoot\" ) Remove-Item -Path $Items -Recurse -Force # Calculate hash Get-Item -Path "Sophia.Script.for.Windows.10.v$" -Force | ForEach-Object -Process { "$($_.Name) $((Get-FileHash -LiteralPath $_.FullName -Algorithm SHA256).Hash)" } | Add-Content -Path SHA256SUM -Encoding Default -Force - name: Sophia Script for Windows 10 LTSC run: | # $Parameters = @{ Uri = "" } $LatestRelease = (Invoke-RestMethod @Parameters).Sophia_Script_Windows_10_LTSC New-Item -Path "Sophia Script for Windows 10 LTSC v$LatestRelease" -ItemType Directory -Force Write-Verbose -Message "Sophia Script for Windows 10 LTSC v$LatestRelease" -Verbose Write-Verbose -Message "Sophia.Script.for.Windows.10.LTSC.v$" -Verbose Get-ChildItem -Path "Sophia Script\Sophia Script for Windows 10 LTSC" -Recurse -Force | Copy-Item -Destination "Sophia Script for Windows 10 LTSC v$LatestRelease" -Recurse -Force $Parameters = @{ Path = "Sophia Script for Windows 10 LTSC v$LatestRelease" DestinationPath = "Sophia.Script.for.Windows.10.LTSC.v$" Force = $true } Compress-Archive @Parameters # Calculate hash Get-Item -Path "Sophia.Script.for.Windows.10.LTSC.v$" -Force | ForEach-Object -Process { "$($_.Name) $((Get-FileHash -LiteralPath $_.FullName -Algorithm SHA256).Hash)" } | Add-Content -Path SHA256SUM -Encoding Default -Force - name: Sophia Script for Windows 11 run: | # $Parameters = @{ Uri = "" } $LatestRelease = (Invoke-RestMethod @Parameters).Sophia_Script_Windows_11_PowerShell_5_1 New-Item -Path "Sophia Script for Windows 11 v$LatestRelease" -ItemType Directory -Force Write-Verbose -Message "Sophia Script for Windows 11 v$LatestRelease" -Verbose Write-Verbose -Message "Sophia.Script.for.Windows.11.v$" -Verbose Get-ChildItem -Path "Sophia Script\Sophia Script for Windows 11" -Recurse -Force | Copy-Item -Destination "Sophia Script for Windows 11 v$LatestRelease" -Recurse -Force $Parameters = @{ Path = "Sophia Script for Windows 11 v$LatestRelease" DestinationPath = "Sophia.Script.for.Windows.11.v$" Force = $true } Compress-Archive @Parameters # Calculate hash Get-Item -Path "Sophia.Script.for.Windows.11.v$" -Force | ForEach-Object -Process { "$($_.Name) $((Get-FileHash -LiteralPath $_.FullName -Algorithm SHA256).Hash)" } | Add-Content -Path SHA256SUM -Encoding Default -Force - name: Sophia Script for Windows 11 PowerShell 7 run: | # $Parameters = @{ Uri = "" } $LatestRelease = (Invoke-RestMethod @Parameters).Sophia_Script_Windows_11_PowerShell_7 New-Item -Path "Sophia Script for Windows 11 v$LatestRelease PowerShell 7" -ItemType Directory -Force Write-Verbose -Message "Sophia Script for Windows 11 v$LatestRelease PowerShell 7" -Verbose Write-Verbose -Message "Sophia.Script.for.Windows.11.v$" -Verbose Get-ChildItem -Path "Sophia Script\Sophia Script for Windows 11 PowerShell 7" -Recurse -Force | Copy-Item -Destination "Sophia Script for Windows 11 v$LatestRelease PowerShell 7" -Recurse -Force $Parameters = @{ Path = "Sophia Script for Windows 11 v$LatestRelease PowerShell 7" DestinationPath = "Sophia.Script.for.Windows.11.v$" } Compress-Archive @Parameters # Calculate hash Get-Item -Path "Sophia.Script.for.Windows.11.v$" -Force | ForEach-Object -Process { "$($_.Name) $((Get-FileHash -LiteralPath $_.FullName -Algorithm SHA256).Hash)" } | Add-Content -Path SHA256SUM -Encoding Default -Force - name: Sophia Script Wrapper run: | # $Parameters = @{ Uri = "" } $LatestRelease = (Invoke-RestMethod @Parameters).Sophia_Script_Wrapper New-Item -Path "Sophia Script Wrapper v$LatestRelease" -ItemType Directory -Force Write-Verbose -Message "Sophia Script Wrapper v$LatestRelease" -Verbose Write-Verbose -Message "Sophia.Script.Wrapper.v$" -Verbose Get-ChildItem -Path Wrapper -Exclude -Recurse -Force | Copy-Item -Destination "Sophia Script Wrapper v$LatestRelease" -Recurse -Force $Parameters = @{ Path = "Sophia Script Wrapper v$LatestRelease" DestinationPath = "Sophia.Script.Wrapper.v$" Force = $true } Compress-Archive @Parameters # Calculate hash Get-ChildItem -Path "Sophia.Script.Wrapper.v$" -Force | ForEach-Object -Process { "$($_.Name) $((Get-FileHash -LiteralPath $_.FullName -Algorithm SHA256).Hash)" } | Add-Content -Path SHA256SUM -Encoding Default -Force - name: Upload archives to release uses: svenstaro/upload-release-action@master with: repo_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} file: Sophia*.zip tag: ${{ github.ref }} overwrite: true file_glob: true prerelease: true - name: Upload archives to release uses: svenstaro/upload-release-action@master with: repo_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} file: SHA256SUM tag: ${{ github.ref }} overwrite: true file_glob: true prerelease: true