diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 24bdffa5..a7c6e627 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ Available in: Tab completion for functions and their arguments by typing its' first letters
+* Uninstall UWP apps displaying packages names;
+ * Generate installed UWP apps list dynamically
+* Restore the default uninstalled UWP apps for current user displaying [localized](#localized-uwp-apps-names) packages names;
+* The TAB [autocompletion](#the-tab-autocomplete-read-more-here) for function and its' arguments by typing first letters
* Disable Windows features displaying friendly packages names with pop-up form written in [WPF](#Screenshots);
* Uninstall Windows capabilities displaying friendly packages names with pop-up form written in [WPF](#Screenshots);
* Download and install the [HEVC Video Extensions from Device Manufacturer](https://www.microsoft.com/p/hevc-video-extensions-from-device-manufacturer/9n4wgh0z6vhq) from Microsoft server using parser to be able to open .heic and .heif formats;
* Register app, calculate hash, and set as default for specific extension without the "How do you want to open this" pop-up using special [function](https://github.com/DanysysTeam/PS-SFTA);
* Install and setup WSL
* Create a `Windows Cleanup` and `Windows Cleanup Notification` scheduled tasks for Windows cleaning up unused files and updates;
- * A native toast notification will be displayed where you can choose to snooze, run the cleanup task or [dismiss](#Screenshots)
+ * A native toast notification will be displayed where you can choose to snooze, run the cleanup task or [dismiss](#native-interactive-toasts-for-the-windows-cleanup-scheduled-task)
* Create tasks in the Task Scheduler to clear
* `%SystemRoot%\SoftwareDistribution\Download`
* `%TEMP%`