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62 lines
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62 lines
2.1 KiB
# Description:
# This script will use Windows package manager to bootstrap Chocolatey and
# install a list of packages. Script will also install Sysinternals Utilities
# into your default drive's root directory.
$packages = @(
echo "Setting up Chocolatey software package manager"
Get-PackageProvider -Name chocolatey -Force
echo "Setting up Full Chocolatey Install"
Install-Package -Name Chocolatey -Force -ProviderName chocolatey
$chocopath = (Get-Package chocolatey | ?{$_.Name -eq "chocolatey"} | Select @{N="Source";E={((($a=($_.Source -split "\\"))[0..($a.length - 2)]) -join "\"),"Tools\chocolateyInstall" -join "\"}} | Select -ExpandProperty Source)
& $chocopath "upgrade all -y"
choco uninstall mm-choco.extension --all-versions
choco install chocolatey-core.extension --force
echo "Creating daily task to automatically upgrade Chocolatey packages"
# adapted from
$ScheduledJob = @{
Name = "Chocolatey Daily Upgrade"
ScriptBlock = {choco upgrade all -y}
Trigger = New-JobTrigger -Daily -at 2am
ScheduledJobOption = New-ScheduledJobOption -RunElevated -MultipleInstancePolicy StopExisting -RequireNetwork
Register-ScheduledJob @ScheduledJob
echo "Installing Packages"
$packages | %{choco install $_ --force -y}
echo "Installing Sysinternals Utilities to C:\Sysinternals"
$download_uri = ""
$wc = new-object net.webclient
$wc.DownloadFile($download_uri, "/")
Add-Type -AssemblyName ""
[io.compression.zipfile]::ExtractToDirectory("/", "/Sysinternals")
echo "Removing zipfile"
rm "/"