# Debloat Windows 10
This project collects Powershell scripts which help to *debloat* Windows 10,
tweak common settings and install basic software components.
I test these scripts on a Windows 10 Professional 64-Bit (English) virtual
machine. Please let me know if you encounter any issues. Home Edition and
different languages are not supported. These scripts are intended for
tech-savvy administrators, who know what they are doing and just want to
automate this phase of their setup. If this profile does not fit you, I
recommend using a different (more interactive) tool -- and there are a lot of
them out there.
**There is no undo**, I recommend only using these scripts on a fresh
installation (including Windows Updates). Test everything after running them
before doing anything else. Also there is no guarantee that everything will
work after future updates since I cannot predict what Microsoft will do next.
## Interactivity
The scripts are designed to run without any user-interaction. Modify them
beforehand. If you want a more interactive approach check out
[DisableWinTracking](https://github.com/10se1ucgo/DisableWinTracking) from
## Download Latest Version
Code located in the `master` branch is always considered under development, but
you'll probably want the most recent version anyway.
- [Download [zip]](https://github.com/W4RH4WK/Debloat-Windows-10/archive/master.zip)
## Execution
Enable execution of PowerShell scripts:
PS> Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
Unblock PowerShell scripts and modules within this directory:
PS > ls -Recurse *.ps1 | Unblock-File
PS > ls -Recurse *.psm1 | Unblock-File
## Usage
1. Install all available updates for your system.
2. Edit the scripts to fit your need.
3. Run the scripts from a PowerShell with administrator priviledges (Explorer
`Files > Open Windows PowerShell > Open Windows PowerShell as
4. `PS > Restart-Computer`
5. Run `disable-windows-defender.ps1` one more time.
6. `PS > Restart-Computer`
## Startmenu
In the past I included small fixes to make the startmenu more usable, like
removing default tiles, disabling web search and so on. This is no longer the
case since I am that fed up with it. This fucking menu breaks for apparently
know reason, is slow, is a pain to configure / script and even shows ads out of
the box!
Please replace it with something better, either use [Classic Shell] or [Start
is Back], but stop using that shit.
[Classic Shell]:
[Start is Back]:
## Known Issues
### Startmenu Search
After running the scripts, the startmenu search-box may no longer work on newly
created accounts. It seems like there is an issue with account initilization
that is triggered when disabling the GeoLocation service. Following workaround
has been discovered by BK from Atlanta:
1. Delete registry key `HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\lfsvc\TriggerInfo\3`
2. Re-enable GeoLocation service (set startup type to `Automatic`)
3. Reboot
4. Login with the account having the stated issue
5. Start Cortana and set your preferences accordingly (web search and whatnot)
You may now disable the GeoLocation service again, the search box should remain
### Sysprep will hang
If you are deploying images with MDT and running these scripts, the sysprep
step will hang unless `dmwappushserivce` is active.
### XBox Wireless Adapter
Apprently running the stock `remove-default-apps` script will cause XBox
Wireless Adapters to stop functioning. I suspenc one should not remove the XBox
App when wanting to use one. But I haven't confirmed this yet, and there is a
workaround to re-enable it afterwards. See
## Liability
**All scripts are provided as is and you use them at your own risk.**
## Contribute
I would be happy to extend the collection of scripts. Just open an issue or
send me a pull request.
### Thanks To
- [10se1ucgo](https://github.com/10se1ucgo)
- [Plumebit](https://github.com/Plumebit)
- [aramboi](https://github.com/aramboi)
- [maci0](https://github.com/maci0)
- [narutards](https://github.com/narutards)
- [tumpio](https://github.com/tumpio)
## License
"THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42):
As long as you retain this notice you can do whatever you want with this
stuff. If we meet some day, and you think this stuff is worth it, you can
buy us a beer in return.
This project is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or